Growth Groups
We long to see all our members growing in their knowledge and love for the Lord Jesus. Our Growth Groups are a vital way we do that. In addition to studying the Bible together, growth groups provide a wonderful way for members to get to know each other better, build closer relationships, provide practical care for one another and pray.
Growth Groups meet weekly, some fortnightly and generally have around 8-12 members per group. There is a group leader who facilitates discussion and exploration of God’s Word. He or she does not have to be a Bible ‘expert’ as we enjoy learning from each other’s perspectives. Our ideal is for every church member to be active in a Growth Group.
There are a number of groups meeting at different times and locations. Some of our groups meet on a week night, others during the daytime. Some meet in private homes, others at the church.
If you would like to join a Growth Group, please contact our office by phone (Ph: 02 4353 3699) or the contact us here.
Current Growth Groups

Lights Camera Action Bible Growth Group
The Lights Camera Action Bible Growth Group meets every Wednesday, between 3:30pm - 5:30pm during school term. Please complete the registration form for your child/ren if you'd like to sign up for this group.